
Thursday, July 25, 2019

WildBit Viewer 6.6 Alpha 1.0

What's new in 6.6 development build:

Viewer - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.

Slide Show - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.

Editor - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Added <> Layers: General handling, Style (Border/Line Color, Border/Line Width, Solid Fill Color, Gradient Color/Style, Opacity, Operation, Edge Feather, Soft Shadow, Anti-Alias.
- Added <> Layers: Size to Fit, Restore Aspect Ratio, Center Layer, Convert to Image Layer, Merge All, Layers list for handling layers.
- Added <> Layers: Options for Layers (Alpha Channel, Draw Box around Layers), Layer Preview Quality, Layer list Style and Layer List Big Buttons.
- Added <> Layers: For drawing Layers there is basic methods available (Polyline, Line, Rectangle, Circle, Text and Angle).
- Added <> Layers: With Layer Properties you can change Layer.
- Added <> Layers: Over 100 built-in vector shapes.
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.
- Removed <> Objects handling, replacing with Layers.

Search - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.

Profile Switcher - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.

Multi Screen Viewer - Build: Alpha 1.0:
- Changed <> Updated ImageEn to 8.6.0 version.

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